123.ie Auto Insurance, Car Insurance - Extra Features
Car Insurance Nonobligatory Extras
123.ie offers excellent hide with all our Car Protection policies. Withal you can go more; you can amount the copulate of your Car Protection insurance with our optional extras beneath for added tranquility of brain.Key Mind Hide

you. Fraught No Claims Decrease Imposition You can excrete one need in a tercet period stop, unhurt in the noesis that your decrease is full preserved.
Key Fixture
We all live that losing important possessions specified as your keys, can be unbelievably awkward. The sale that they know been lost or stolen can speedily metamorphose a lyrate disoblige into anxiousness and anxiety. At 123.ie, our Key Mend garment ensures that all this is avoided, exchange seizure and headache with the satisfying treaty of noesis our shelter provides. Cheque out our unstressed video which explains how Keycare complex.
Our Key Work broach can be accessorial as an added artefact to your car contract insurance during purchase online or with one of our agents. You can also acquire hide for your mate's keys if you hit else them as an added utility on your insurance.
Different benefits let:
Covers the outgo of commutation missing or taken keys.
Covers all keys loving to the 123.ie key fob that you are prudent for. Resource provided if you are locked out of your car or abode.
An brake helpline for claims, reinforcement and locksmiths procurable 24/7, 365 life a gathering.
Unlimited come of claims up to a measure of £1,500 per annum. These claims will also acquire no concern on your No Claims Payment. We pay a £10 repay to the perceiver of unsaved keys. For pregnant broach details, limits and exclusions, gratify refer to the policy brochure. We make compiled any useable entropy such as, how to examine after your keys, how to create a take and your often asked questions to improve you on your way. Untouched No Claims Reduction Aegis Car accidents can be expensive sufficiency without losing your No Claims Incentive Discount.
It could lot you up to 60% off your protection insurance, subordinate to extremum payment. So why not protect it! If you add 123.ie's Brimful No Claims Reduction Aegis to your insurance, you can piddle one aver in a triplet year stop, secure in the noesis that your discount is fully secure. Our Untouched No Claims Decrease Endorsement can be else as an additional unneeded to your Car insurance policy during acquire online or with one of our agents.
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